For the second time I celebrated the Indian holiday, Holi. It's basically a big party where kids (and adults) throw colored powder on each other and celebrate...something. When I asked what exactly Holi is celebrating none of my friends were a hundred percent sure of the origin. Their best guess was it's celebrating the start of spring.
One friend described the celebration as "a big party where the kids run around getting splashed with colors while the adults get sloshed with drinking." Partying, getting dirty on purpose, and drinking...sign me up!
If you want to see a big, happy, crazy version of Holi, watch the Coldplay video "Hymn for the Weekend".
I've never been to India to celebrate Holi but I would love to go one day and maybe I will. I've just learned that my books are selling more copies in India than anywhere else in the world! Say what?
I was stunned when I saw the sales report. And excited. It's not a market I ever thought to explore. But I've always loved the country and the friends I know from there aren't too shabby either ;) In fact, they're pretty freaking awesome.
Hmmm...perhaps I have the location for a future book. And I think a research trip would be in order...
For now, I'm working my way through the second round of edits on my next book (the final book in The Bloom Sisters series) and I'm not gonna lie, I can't wait for you guys to read it :)
Until then... I leave you with the awesome video for "Hymn for the Weekend".